Sunday, April 12, 2009

hello all...just wanted to write my first blog as Raven Would.  hope everyone enjoyed last week's show!  if you missed it...then you also missed DJ Ryan singing live and Tommy Salami freestylin'.  It was awesome!  please come out and support your local drag kings...join us and perform!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

What you missed...

We had quite a lineup last night. Rising stars and old favorites graced our stage in a fantastic show, even if it was late in starting. Our audience always gets a little thin this time of year, between school and all the rain, but we had a rockin' time anyway!

These are the numbers you missed (and aren't you sad? I think you are)

Seymore Sinn: Bohemian Like You (The Dandy Warhols)
Manny Nuff: Soul Education (Jamiroquai)
Draven Lee: Me N Yer Girl (Phunk Junkees)
Wayne O'Torious: Step Right Up (Tom Waits)
Stevie Ray: If I Were Gay (Stephen Lynch)
Mocha Devine: Brown Skin (India Arie)
Dante DeMoan: Now (Everclear)
Manny Nuff: Business Time (Flight of the Conchords)
Draven Lee: The Red (Chevelle)
Joanna King: The Way I Am (Ingrid Michaelson)
Raven Would: Closer (Ne-Yo)
Tommy Salami: You Part The Waters (Cake)
Mocha Devine: They Don't Know (Jon B.)

All in all, it was a lovely show, as always. Get there next week. Seriously. What else do you do on a Wednesday night?

Upcoming events include The Third Annual Sex Drugs and Rock and Roll show and the April Fools Day show.

Stay tuned!

Love, Joanna -xo-

Monday, February 9, 2009



For those​ of you who don'​t know,​ one of our local​ favor​ites,​ an alumn​i of Mills​ Colle​ge and huge fan of the East Bay Kings​ Club,​ Timan​na Benne​tt,​ has died.​

On Wedne​sday night​,​ in place​ of the regul​ar Drag King Show at the White​ Horse​,​ there​ will be a tribu​te to her. Pleas​e show up. We will be there​ start​ing about​ 8. Tommy​ has reque​sted that every​one bring​ pictu​res of Timan​na if you have them,​ and that you wear argyl​e or a wig.

Pleas​e pass the word along​.​


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fall Back, Spring Forward.

Hey, tonight is the night when the EBKC starts performing at 9:30 sharp.

The better to get you crazy student types in to see us.

Remember the time change! Be there or be...someplace else.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wednesday, October 8th

Hello, hello, hello everybody! Sorry about the delay in getting this up, I've been sick. So deal.

1.) Manny Nuff -- "Friend"

2.) Jack Strap -- "Everyday Normal Guy" by Jon LaJolie

3.) Seymore Sinn -- "Munich" by the Editors

4.) Raven Wood -- "Work"

5.) Tommy Salami -- "Possum Kingdom" by the Toadies

6.) Guest Performer Frankie Stein -- "Code Blue" by the Hellbillies

7.) Guest Performer Stevie Ray -- "Idiot Boyfriend" by Jimmy Fallon

8.) Jack Strap -- "Trashy Women" by Confederate Railroad

9.) Raven Wood -- "Jane Says" by Jane's Addiction

10.) Tommy Salami -- "Skin Is, My" by Andrew Bird

11.) Guest Performer Frankie Stein -- "Gay Bar" by Electric Six

12.) Seymore Sinn -- "Show Me How to Live" by Audioslave

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Oh, For Fucks Sake!

I go away for a bit and the whole works goes to shit.

Yes -- I am properly back, and the rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

Check this space for the line-up on Wednesday and I will see you on the flip side.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Goodbye, EBKC!

As some of you may have heard, I have officially quit my position as the EBKC's door girl.  It was not by any means an easy decision, and I am certainly not happy about it in a lot of ways.

The reasons for this decision are as follows:

I am taking 15 units this semester, and really don't think I have the time or energy to commit to being there every single week as I have been for nearly a year and a half.

Dante DeMoan (my best friend) is moving away, and I need a break.

I want to be able to go and actually watch/participate in the show when I can actually be there.

Like I said, this was not a spur of the moment decision, and I will miss you all.

Love, Joanna/Mario/Kat